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How We "Manage" Your Pain

There are many groups that provide pain management. It is hard to tell what each group does and how they "manage" chronic pain. Below will help you understand how we practice and what "pain management" means to us.

Our Philosophy For Managing Chronic Pain.

Our philosophy to chronic pain management is a simple one. We are your central hub for pain management. We will do your initial assessment and work together to set up realistic functional goals for your condition. We will then see you monthly for follow up visits to ensure we are on the right track for success. We will also make the appropriate referrals for other services, such as, pain injections, physical therapy, chiropractic care, or any other services that you may require. The benefit to this is; all of your care is under one roof and we will have all the information needed to provide the best care. We will also receive updates from our referral network, so we are always up to date with your progress.  We will also work with your current primary care provider to outline the best treatment plan for you. We will work with your local pharmacy/pharmacist too, as needed, to provide you with the best plan for your pain. 


Our ethical approach to managing your pain. 

  1) We work together to explore and make a treatment plan that works for you. You play a very important role in your healthcare and in the treatment of your chronic pain. Your input is essential to developing a care plan that will work.

2) We treat "you" the patient, holistically. 

3) We review the current guidelines from the CDC and other agencies to keep up on current pain management recommendations, knowing that every patient is different and needs to have a personal, effective pain plan that meets your needs/goals. 

4. We will advocate on your behalf to make sure that you are receiving the best care from our referral network, including the pharmacies that we use. 



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